Search results for "The Bibliotheca Alexandrina International Book Fair"

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The First Arab Book Fair in Alexandria

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Alexandria- the BA will participate in the First Arab Book Fair to be held in Qaitbay Citadel, Alexandria from 23 August until 1st September 2006. The book fair will comprise 92 pavilions, in which 80 publishers from more than 12 Arab States will participate. The Arab states participating in the ...

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Sixty Thousand Visitor to the BA International Book Fair

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Alexandria— the BA International Book Fair witnessed an increasing number of visitors amounting to about 60 thousand visitors during the past two days. In other news, the Arab League Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALESCO) donated a complete copy of the it"s publications to the ...

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Preparations for Alexandria Book Fair

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Alexandria— The Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) started the preparations for The BA Fourth International Book Fair, scheduled to take place from 27 February to 10 March 2006. Publishers from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, France, and Italy will participate in the book fair. On the fringe lines ...

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Inauguration of the 3rd Alexandrina International Book Fair

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Alexandria, 17 February 2005— Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), inaugurated the third Alexandrina International Book Fair with the theme of Women and Children , on 17 February 2005. The event was attended by General Abdel Salam El Mahgoub, Governor of Alexandria; ...

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Alexandrina International Book Fair activities

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Alexandria, 16 February 2005— Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA); Engineer Ibrahim El Moalem, Head of the Arab Publishers Union; Mohamed Rashad, Secretary-General of the Egyptian and Arab Publishers’ Union; and General Abdel Salam El Mahgoub, Governor of Alexandria, ...

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