Ezbet Panayotti in a Play Reading at the BA

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Alexandria— The Reference Services Unit is holding its monthly play reading in Arabic on Wednesday, 29 July 2009. Participants will read Ezbet Panayotti (Panayotti Manor) by Mahmoud El-Saadany. The play takes place at the eve of the sixth decade of the last century when Egypt was a British ...

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Ahmed Zewail at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA hosts eminent scientist Dr. Ahmed Zewail on Wednesday 29 July 2009, who speaks in a seminar entitled “A Journey to the Future”. The Seminar is attended by Dr. Hassan Nadir Khairallah, President of the University of Alexandria; Dr. Mohamed Gatwary, Chairman of Alexandria ...

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FP7 Information Day

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Alexandria— The BA in cooperation with the Research Development and Innovation Programme (RDI), is organizing an FP7 (the Seventh Framework Programme) Information Day on Monday 27 July 2009. The Information Day seeks to raise awareness about current available opportunities under FP7. Published ...

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Honoring Chahine One Year After his Death

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Alexandria— After one year of his death, the BA Arts Center commemorates eminent director Youssef Chahine, in collaboration with “Youssef Chahine Organization”, on Monday, 27 July 2009. The Seminar features Marian Khoury, Director of Youssef Chahine Organization, Producer Gaby Khoury, Actress ...

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