Search results for "Arts Center"

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The BA Presents Egyptian Documentaries by Abdel-Kader El-Telmesany

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center celebrates the Centenary of the Egyptian Cinema through the Short Film Forum, organized by the Center starting Sunday, 3 June 2007. The Short Film Forum is devoted to honor one of the pioneers of the Egyptian cinema, Abdel-Kader El-Telmesany (1924-2003). As part ...

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Arab children express their cultural identity

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Alexandria, 25 September 2005— The Bibliotheca Alexandrina witnessed today the opening session of the discussions and debates around the influence of cultures on the Arab child. Organized by the Arab Council for Childhood and Development (ACCD), the “Arab Child Subject to Different Cultural ...

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Fourth International Summer Arts Festival

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Alexandria, 22 June 2005— The Arts Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) is currently preparing for its fourth International Summer Arts Festival, 1 July - 5 August. The Festival’s wide variety of events includes concerts, cinematic, and theater performances. Modern, classical and folklore ...

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