Search results for "Arts Center"

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Arts School 2020 Midyear Program

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The BA Arts School organizes its 2020 midyear program, from 19 January to 6 February 2020. The program includes a number of workshops for children and young people aged 5 to 18 years. Registration for the workshops will be open as of Sunday, 5 January 2020, at 11:00 am. Fees should be paid on ...

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Arts Center Event Booking

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The BA Arts Center, which organizes up to 10 concerts every month, supports young, independent bands; it provides them with spaces for their performances and offers them all necessary facilities. These independent bands present different music genres, such as oriental rock, contemporary Arabic ...

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The Second Round of “Design is a Verb” Call for Application

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The BA Arts Center announces the second round of “Design is a Verb as Well” that will be held on 1 July 2013, an annual exhibition to showcase artworks from different fields such as architecture, industrial design, product design, and fashion design. The theme of this edition is “The Art of Using ...

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“Know Your Library” Competition

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The BA Visits Department, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education Directorate in Alexandria, holds “Know Your Library” Competition from 25 to 28 March 2013. The Competition aims to spread cultural awareness among students, and introduce the BA different services and activities, in addition ...

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Agenda 2013 Exhibition

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The BA Arts Center holds the sixth round of Agenda Exhibition from 2 February to 1 March 2013. Agenda Exhibition is an annual forum that gives young artists the opportunity to display their works along with established and professional artists, and allows intellectual and technical exchange. ...

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