Search results for "Arts Center"

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Imagining the Book and the Vegetal Memory

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Alexandria— the BA Arts Center will organize Imagining the Book Biennale 2007 from 17 April 2007 to 12 May 2007, held this year under the theme (Imagining the Book and Vegetal Memory) chaired by Dr. Mostafa El-Razaz, the BA Plastic Arts Advisor. This years Biennale tackles the artistic and creative ...

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Musical Concerts celebrating spring

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center is organizing a number of concerts in celebration of spring during the month of April; starting Sunday 1 April, 2007. To know more about the concerts, musicians and groups click here to download the program in PDF format. ...

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Memorial Service Honoring Ambassador Taher Khlaifa at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA held on Wednesday, 7 March 2007 a memorial service honoring Ambassador Taher Khalifa, Former Head of the BA External Relations Sector, attended by a group of his close friends as well as BA staff members. The event started by a documentary featuring photos of late Ambassador ...

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A Huge Cinema Festival at the BA

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Alexandria— the BA Arts Center, in cooperation with the Audio-Visual Development Foundation CADRE, Greek Film Center, and the French Cultural Center in Cairo the First Woman Film Festival from 8 March (International Woman Day) until 16 March (Egyptian Women Day). The festival raises the slogan of ...

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Arts Center program; February 2007

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Alexandria— the BA Arts Center will be taking a close look at the American film industry during the month of February 2007, the American film industry blossomed when Hollywood bloomed in the early 20 th century, director D.W. Griffith of the Biograph Company was sent to the west coast along with ...

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