Search results for "Arts Center"

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Micro Mosaic Jewelry Workshop

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The BA Arts Education Section is announcing a call for participation in its Micro Mosaic Jewelry Workshop, which will be led by artist Saad Romany. The five-day workshop will be held from 26 to 30 November 2017. Participants should not be younger than 16 years old. Prior experience in the field of ...

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2017–2018 Theater Production Grant Winners

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The BA Arts Center had received 23 submissions from theater director for its 2017–2018 Theater Production Grant. All submitted works were subjected to the following two-stage selection process: Stage one: eliminating incomplete projects and works that do not meet the grant requirements (a total of ...

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World’s Top Violinist on BA Stage

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The BA Arts Center is currently preparing to host the world’s top violinist Gidon Kremer. He is presently on a world tour that includes three performances in Egypt, set to be held in Luxor, Cairo, and Alexandria. Kremer’s concert in Alexandria is going to be held on Sunday, 6 November at the BA ...

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Premiere Project: Call for Applications

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The BA Arts Center is announcing a call for applications for the Premiere Project. The new project supports artistic projects of young Alexandrian directors, and it offers them the opportunity to produce their projects and present them on stage for the first time. The BA will support three ...

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