Search results for "Arts Center"

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American Cinema at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

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Alexandria, 11 January 2005— The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Arts Center is organizing a cinema program entitled American Cinema: Cinema and Novels from 16-20 January 2005. The program consists of a number of films, considered the best of the international cinema, for the leading novelists ...

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Waltzes by Strauss and Lehar on New Year’s Eve at BA

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Alexandria, 30 December 2004- In celebration of New Year’s Eve, the Arts Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) will be presenting a music concert of the works of Strauss, Lehar and Tchaikovsky, among others, on 31 December 2004. Performers include Egyptian Soprano Neveen Allouba and Reda Al ...

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Independent Theater Groups meet at Bibliotheca Alexandrina

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Alexandria, 26 December 2004– The Arts Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) is hosting and organizing the Creative Forum for Independent Theater Groups (Europe- Mediterranean) from 28 December 2004 to 5 January 2005. The forum is a platform for performances of modern, dance and physical ...

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Music in November

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The Arts Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina is hosting the Egyptian band WAMA , Monday 15 November, as part of the art program organized by the center throughout the current month. The program also includes a Jazz and Flamenco concert by Spanish artists Fran Molina and Lordes Zamalao. The ...

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Music and Art at the BA

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The Arts Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) is hosting a program of international cultural activities from 20 July- 20 August 2004. The program includes music, dance, film and theatre from many countries including Iraq, Germany, Spain and Sweden. From Iraq, the program features two oud ...

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