Search results for "Arts Center"

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Honoring Chahine One Year After his Death

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Alexandria— After one year of his death, the BA Arts Center commemorates eminent director Youssef Chahine, in collaboration with “Youssef Chahine Organization”, on Monday, 27 July 2009. The Seminar features Marian Khoury, Director of Youssef Chahine Organization, Producer Gaby Khoury, Actress ...

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“The Day will Come”: A Musical at the BA

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Alexandria— The musical “The Day will Come” will be shown at the BA on 6 and 7 July 2009. It is written by eminent Poet Sayed Hegab, and composed by Maestro Sherif Mohie El-Din, Director of the BA Arts Center, with the participation of Heba Soliman and Seif El-Din Sherif. A musical in three ...

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The First Cultural Forum at the BA

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Alexandria— On the fringe lines of the BA Eighth International Summer Festival, the BA Arts Center organizes the First Cultural Forum in Alexandria from 23 to 28 July 2009. The week-long Forum provides a platform for cultural institutions to network, exchange information, and present their ...

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